"Thoughts On Obama And The Papal Visit"

In 2008 he was anointed "The One", the Second Coming of the Lord
He was feted like no other politician. He was loved and so adored
As time passed on he  proved to be a False Prophet. A Devil in disguise
His intentions were exposed as total evil. More than we ever could realize

In his destructive hands we put the fate of our beloved nation, our America
He has poisoned it through and through with his damn disgusting agenda
We wait anxiously as time slowly slips by as we look forward to be rid of him
Barack Obama is a DEVIL INCARNATE not a Christian or a Muslim

Today he shares the world stage with the head of the Catholic Church
Do we dare mention his war on Christianity? A religion we see him besmirch
The gall of this tyrant knows no end. He is a despicable tyrant like no other
Pope Francis seemingly adores this most evil man. He calls him his brother

I am a Catholic and do not condone what this Pontiff is seemingly doing
He gives credibility to the tyrants of the world. It is extremely off putting
The political actions of this Pope bewilders me and I find it uncomfortable
He goes to Cuba and bonds with the tyrannical Castros. It is reprehensible

Pope Francis comes to America to vaildate the policies of this administration
It is a Far Left and harmful agenda that he embraces. It is an abomination
He will speak to Congress. It will be wonderful music to a Democrat's ear
Buy I  doubt that what the Pope has to say is what the GOP would like to hear

The Pope pays little attention to the angst Obama has caused our country
How he pits race against race, class against class. This Francis refuses to see
His Holiness plays into the hands of another tyrant. It's shameful to see
The White House now compares Obama to the Pope!! It's a travesty!!

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