This Invention Will Change The World, Just Watch

Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!

comments :

  Wow... amazing.. But so much is left out. I have been part of many large computer roll outs and government undertakings. Notice no where does it say what it costs, or how they would pay for it.. It touts the "savings" over and over and has so many appeals on the service. But beware the sugar coating. The companies may do it even, "FOR FREE" and anyone using the road would have to pay a per mile fee for use. To be billed "later" Free now always gets them. And if this is presented to politicians, they could even be cut in and told they would get a percentage for the roads in their communities.. And we could tie this infrastructure into WiFi, speeding tickets, tracking your car location, keepin you "Safe" always. Safety is usually the hook to catch the big fish. How do you pay for it, and how is it to be used. And what are the limitations on spying on the public. And like someone already said before, someone is making big $$$ off of this. We fall for the same line year after year

For More ....HERE

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