Where Have All The Patriots Gone?

Our forefathers were men of principle. They were godly

men who believed in freedom above all else. In writing the Constitution, they enshrined in that document the sacred principle in which they believed. Among these principles, were the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In order that these rights were maintained they understood that the country they were about to create should have a government with limited powers, a government that was fiscally responsible, and a government that believed in free markets. They believed in these things so deeply that they were willing to suffer anything, including death to make them a reality.

Here we stand just over 200 years later and we are engaged in a battle for the very survival of our nation and our constitution. We are being attacked from every side. The liberal socialists in both parties want government to have more and more control over our lives. In order to gain this control, they make wild pie in the sky promises assuring us that government will provide for all of our needs from food, clothing and shelter, to healthcare and jobs. For years now they have been able to fool the people and get themselves elected based on these empty promises. In the process, they have incurred trillions of dollars in debt that will ruin the prosperity not only of the the current generation but for children, grandchildren and great grandchildren as well. Yet we continue to base our decisions about whom we will vote based on what the latest con-man tells us he will do for us or based upon a self created and self promoted image that the politician uses to entice us into voting for them. And so we vote based on our own personal interests without regard to the benefit of the country as a whole and without regard as to how this affects our freedoms for which our forefathers fought and died.

This kind of selfishness and superficial thinking is the very thing that has led us to the mess we are in today and it is the very thing Barack Obama played upon with his Hope and Change campaign in the last election. Well America, How is that hope and change thing working for you? For the past three years, I have heard Americans complain. I have heard Tea Partiers and conservatives complain that government is getting to big, that spending is out of control, that we are slowly losing all of our rights, that we are becoming a socialist nation and that our very constitution is in danger.

The other threat to our country, our Constitution, and our freedom comes from Islam. September 11, 2001 smacked us right in the head and brought this to our attention. Many Americans, of whom we are all proud, have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq in the years since to stop this plague called Islam. At home, the fight has been nonexistent. Oh sure we have TSA groping babies and the elderly but don't dare touch a woman wearing traditional muslim garb. Don't dare keep watch on the Muslim community even though over 99% of the worlds terrorist acts are committed by Muslims. Don't close our borders so that Muslim terrorists can't sneak across them and blow up an entire American city with a suitcase-sized nuclear weapon. While our real patriots are fighting this evil overseas, we are welcoming with open arms here at home where even our court systems are allowing Sharia Law to influence their decisions in cases across this nation.

And here we stand at the crossroads. A number of candidates have stood up to run in the Republican Primary to be the next President of the United States and as usual we see them selling their snake oil. Mitt Romney cries out like the carnival barker, "I am a conservative! I will fix our economy." But his record tells us something much different. His record is so liberal that it makes Barack Obama jealous. He even instituted Romneycare which was the founation on which Obamacare was built. We have Rick Santorum who has never in his life supported a single measure that would decrease the size of gov't and who has voted for 5 debt ceiling raises. He voted against Right To Work and after being summarily tossed out of office by the people of Pennsylvania continue making a fortune by being a lobbyist buying votes from congressman and senators to pass legislation for any number of special interests groups. And although he admits to being pro-life most of his life until he entered politics, he wants us to believe that he is the most moral person on the planet since Jesus Christ. Furthermore he has the audacity to want to enforce his brand of morality on the rest of us. Is he running for President or Supreme Mullah of a Christian version of the Taliban?

One man, a true patriot has stood up. He has talked about rediscovering God in America. He has been with the Tea Party since its inception even being present at a recreation of the original Boston Tea Party. He has spoken out about the dangers of Islam and the need to ban Sharia Law in America. He has offered the boldest solutions to solve our economic woes, balance the budget, pay down the debt and return our freedoms that were bestowed upon us by our creator. He has defended our Constitution at every turn. Is he perfect? By no means! But he is honest and he is driven by a deep passion to see our country restored to being the City on the Hill about which Ronald Reagan spoke. He is driven by a deep passion to see us return to that free nation with a government that has limited powers, a government that acts in a fiscally responsible manner, and a government that promotes free markets instead of destroying them.

My question is where are all the other Patriots? Is Newt alone in these beliefs? Do we really believe in the things we say we believe in as conservatives or as members of the Tea Party? I have to wonder. I have to wonder if we are nothing more than crybabies and not true Patriots who are willing to give up everything including our very lives to keep our country free and strong. Are we going to let the Republican establishment sell us another bill of goods while they sell us down the river to the socialist? Or are we going to stand and fight? I can't speak for anyone else but I will speak for myself. "Give me Liberty or Give me death!" I will be voting for the one man who stands against the destruction of our nation. I will vote for him in the primary and I will vote for him in the general election one way or the other. How many more patriots will join me? Or are you ready to surrender and raise the white flag instead of the Gadsen flag? It's up to you. Will you be a Patriot or a Traitor?

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