The Constitution continues to be trampled On

By all reasonable facts, Justice Elena Kagan should recuse herself from this case being overtly biased in favor of ObamaCare in the past. But she won't and nobody in authority has the guts to force her to recuse herself or be impeached. The Constitution continues to be trampled on by the leaders in Washington. America continues to decline (we are basically in free-fall & won't hit bottom until the US Dollar collapses and there is a global financial crises caused by loss of value to anyone left stuck holding worthless US Dollars). Looks to me like the once great USA will end up as a broke, corrupt banana republic. God is not mocked, this is the normal end result for a nation that turns their back on the God of the Bible & the Biblical Principles it was once founded upon. Now, anything goes. Right is called wrong, wrong is called right and nobody knows what to do.

Obamacare is not Constitutional. Nowhere in the Constitution does it give Congress or the President the power to regulate health care or health insurance. The Commerce Clause gives Congress the power to regulate Interstate commerce (between states). Health insurance and health care are Interstate, therefore outside of the Federal Government's jurisdiction.
Any Justices that doesn't declare Obamacare unconstitutional should be impeached for not upholding the Constitution!

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